Saturday, January 11, 2014

Food and Me

Food. Food. Food.

I love food! I love all types of food. There's barely anything within the realm of food that I won't at least try and it's almost a guarantee that if I try it, I'll like it! Spicy, salty, sweet, tangy, savory, tart, sour, smoky, rich. I love it all. The more powerful and extreme the flavor, the better the dish in my opinion.

Since there are so many foods that I love, it would save time to make of list of the things that I don't like to eat:

- Peas (By themselves. I don't mind eating them if they're mixed into a soup or casserole.)

- Sushi (Tried it once, the real deal with the seaweed wrap and all, and really didn't like it. I have yet to be brave enough to try it again.)

- Squid, Octopus, Eel, etc. (I don't believe these things should be eaten and I will not try them. Ever.)

- Insects (Once again, I don't believe insects should fall into the category of food for humans so I will never try those. Not even if they're covered in chocolate.) Would you try them?

- Balut (No, just no.) Don't know what it is? Find out here.

And that's about it. More than half of the items I listed above are barely even considered "actual food" in my opinion but because some people on the other side of the earth believe otherwise, I figured I would include them on my list to be fair. Surely, there are many delicacies that I have not included, but I'm not a delicacy expert like this guy so don't expect too much from me, okay?

My love for food started a very young age. When I think about food I think about all of the good things in my life. Holidays, celebrations, birthdays, family gatherings, parties, special events. How many of these great events can you think of that didn't also include great food?

Food makes people feel good. It reminds them of happy times like I mentioned above. It reminds them of special people and places. I cannot eat a potato salad without comparing it to my MawMaw's recipe. I can't eat watermelon without being reminded of the time I spent down south in Alabama, spitting out seeds with my cousins and family that I had never met before. Food is one of the greatest gifts you can give a person. The smile on my boyfriend's face when I bring him a warm, gooey chocolate chip cookie straight from the oven is priceless.

More importantly, food is essential to survival. We all must eat to live. And some people, including myself, live to eat. I am so passionate about food. Cooking and baking are two of my most favorite hobbies. I'd rather be sporting my apron in the kitchen, whipping up an awesome meal, or throwing together a dessert you'll never forget, than doing anything else. I love food, always have, and definitely always will.

However, this is where the problem lies. I love food so much, that I truly believe I am addicted to it. I'm going beyond the idea that "I need food to live, so I'm addicted." Once again, I'm saying, I live to eat. Food makes me feel good. Food makes me happy. Food makes other people happy, and I like that, so I make them food. Food is like a drug that's always accessible and acceptable. My addiction to food is constantly reinforced, day in and day out.

I am overweight because my portion sizes are out of control. When I was little, I remember being told, "Finish your plate. You better not waste any food!" And believe me, I didn't. At every meal I ate every morsel of food from my plate and only stopped short of licking it clean. And did I stop there? No. I would almost always get seconds. And if I really enjoyed the dish, sometimes I'd get thirds if there was enough left over.

Notice I didn't say, "And if I was still hungry, I'd get thirds." I was never actually HUNGRY after my first serving. I simply enjoyed the food so much, that I wanted to eat more, and more. These horrible eating habits were rarely discouraged by my parents, family or peers, and sometimes it was even encouraged because it became more of an amusement just to see how much my body could actually handle before I nearly burst.

When I reached my heaviest weight during my first year of college, I realized something had to change. Two years later, I'm still trying to get my food addiction under control, but I have made great progress. I'm eating much healthier foods than I did when I was younger but I'm still struggling with portion control and my extreme sweet tooth is a major problem. My love for chocolate is unreal.

Maybe after reading and talking about the literature in this class, I can find a way to manage my food addiction. I look forward to those changes, but one thing is certain, I do not want to change my love for food. I believe it is possible to feel passionate about food and love it entirely without being addicted to it, and that, my friends, is my ultimate goal.

I don't think I'll ever love peas by themselves though. Sorry, no changing that. Yuck.


  1. I can't believe you don't like sushi or seafood. I love sushi so much and even better, I like seafood inside my sushi! I can really relate to your food addiction. In middle school I was bigger than my friends and my older sister because I felt the need to overeat at meals and snack during the day. Even if I wasn't hungry, I would keep eating because it tasted good and no one ever told me to stop. But my mom got on me real fast for eating more than I should. Since im in college, I changed the way I ate and thought positively about everything. I can't cut out sweets fully but i'm trying to minimize them. haha

    1. I actually love seafood (I've never tried real crab legs or lobster-want to, just haven't for some reason) but tuna, salmon, fresh water fish, shrimp, etc. are some of my favorite things to eat. I'm just not willing to try any weird, slimy sea creatures lol. And maybe the sushi I had was not a good batch, who knows?! ;) Snacking is a big problem for me too! I hope to get that and my sweet tooth under control pronto! :)

  2. I agree 100 percent with your list of foods you don't like. Minus the peas. I will NEVER like peas. Something about them just isn't right to me. I actually had the opposite problem. I never liked food growing up. My parents blamed it on me being picky, but in truth, I just didn't like food. Everything about it was just a turn-off for me. No idea why. I ate, obviously, but very little. Enough to keep me out of the anorexic range, but I was (an still am) underweight as a result. It's kind of cool to meet someone on the opposite end of the spectrum.

    I like food now and am as healthy as a college student can be haha. But it was interesting to read the opposite end of my problem and to see that we coped/learned the same way.

  3. My the picture of the balut on the link you sent me to really was disgusting. Seems like you are thinking very carefully about your relationship to food and making important changes. And will make more.

  4. Courtney I know exactly how you feel! I also grew up in a house that has the "Finish your plate. You better not waste any food!" rule. Many people say you can eat whatever you want in smaller portions. I know you commented and asked me about how I changed my relationship with food, it was all about portion size! I told my mom I wasn't going to eat as much and I cut back on my sizes and would swap out the ice cream (My ultimate guilty pleasure!!) for fruits. I notice when I really want to snack I snack on popcorn without butter and oil... this has become my new favorite food! I really hope this helps!!!
