Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Free Choice Topic 2-26

Since Dr. Webb gave us free reign on the topics chosen for this week's blog post, I've decided to write about my recent endeavor with changing up my diet by completely cutting out red meat.
First of all, I'd like to say that I'm so glad I've made this decision. I'm doing this because 1) I'm so disturbed by the meat industry and the way the animals are treated, 2) I want to live a long, healthy life, 3) Going along with the previous point, I want to lose weight, and 4) My gut tells me this is the right thing to do - and there's no better time than now. My anti-red-meat adventure started on Monday, February 17th, and after a little more than a week, I'm still going strong. I know that isn't very long, but it hasn't been that much of a struggle so far, and I'm confident I will never go back to eating red meat.

I've mentioned before that I grew up eating red meat of all types, often. As I've gotten older, I've slowly started to decrease the amount of red meat I consume. About 2-3 years ago, I started replacing ground beef with ground turkey and I loved the change. I felt better about what I was eating and I actually enjoyed the flavor more - it had much less fat, and that made a difference in the taste. However, I still would eat a steak every once in a while if we went out to dinner or a hamburger at a family cookout. The beef wasn't nearly as much of a temptation as the pork though. I LOVE HAM. My ideal pizza? Ham and black olive. My ideal sub sandwich? Ham. My ideal holiday meal? Ham. Although I've never been one to eat a lot of bacon, I still love the flavor and smell. Sausage, brats, pork chops - some of my favorite foods. Prior to this lifestyle change, I ate a lot of pork, especially in the form of my beloved, salty ham. Giving this up is proving to be the most challenging. However, I know I can stick to my plan. *By the way, my goal is to eventually give up ALL meat, even ground turkey, especially after seeing this.

I get a little sad when I realize another food that I cannot eat any longer. For example, I make some of the BEST homemade meatballs to top spaghetti. I can't make those anymore because they contain beef and Italian sausage. One of my favorite summer meals is a grilled, spicy brat with sautéed onion and pepper. Can't have that anymore. I have to be honest, this makes me sad.

I think I feel sad mostly because of the emotional connection I've always made with food. My family loves my meatballs. It's one of my specialties. The fact that I can't make those anymore makes me feel like I'm disappointing those that enjoyed eating them. Burgers, hot dogs, and brats cooking up on a grill creates the smell of summer. Summer is a time to spend with family and friends, and these foods go hand in hand with the good times.

As I continue on this journey, making more changes along the way, I hope I'm able to find a way to cope with my temptations and cut those emotional ties. I can still enjoy a lot of other good foods, I may just have to be the person that brings them to the party or cookout. Veggie tray, anyone? Fruit kabob?

Monday, February 24, 2014

The Jungle - Chapters 27-31

What a sad, sad ending to a sad, sad book. Jurgis cannot work because he is crippled and weak. Having not read the previous chapters, I do not know exactly what happened to him. (I hate skipping around in books, especially ones that are quite so dramatic!) He turns to begging, but has little success. Jurgis is not the only one struggling in this economy. Many people are out of work and out of food - it was a harsh time in Chicago. He caught a glimpse of hope when he was hired off the street one day. Then, like always with Jurgis, his hopes were crushed when he was fired for being too weak to complete his work. How does one live on with such a depressing life?

Jurgis searches for Marija and finds that she has become a prostitute addicted to morphine. Her addiction is so strong, that she is convinced she cannot leave her new profession because she does not want to go without her drugs. She will be a prostitute for the rest of her life. Prostitution and drug addiction go hand in hand, and both are very cyclical hardships.

Stanislovas dies by being attacked my rats in an oil factory. So disturbing. Just like the rest of this book, I suppose.

Politics become a major idea in the end of this story. Jurgis is extremely interested in listening to speakers at political events. He lands a job as a comrade with a man named Ostrinksi. They talk about capitalism and revolution. In the end, he hopes for socialism.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Jungle

Written by Upton Sinclair, The Jungle is a book that made history. I'd heard about it before various times, but never took the time to read it. Perhaps I wasn't ready for the content. After reading a short segment of it, perhaps, I'm STILL not ready for it.

Much of what we read talked about the working conditions and lives of the workers featured in the story. They were more than excited to have the job - they just wanted to make money to buy their house. The jobs were horrible and disgusting. There were descriptions of the conditions in the slaughterhouse and those were appalling. I was especially disgusted when it mentioned that the meat inspector casually skipped a dozen hogs a time when checking for TB.And apparently that's still happening today. No details were left out when describing the man and machine powered assembly line killing processes taking place day in and day out of the slaughterhouse. Thousands and thousands of cows and pigs were killed daily and butchered for meat to later be distributed. Blood and guts covered the floor continuously.

A section we read went into depth discussing the view point of the soon-to-be slaughtered pigs. What did they do to deserve this treatment.? "Is there no Hog-God?" Why are their lives not valued like ours? The workers couldn't even take the time to thank the pigs for their job well-done or so gratitude for their sacrifice before slinging them up and slicing their throats. All of this got me thinking deeply about these animals and their sad lives. I was very upset and came to realize that I hate what is happening to so many innocent animals out there. I recently watched a video that related directly to this subject - it brought me to tears. Watch it here.

The Jungle was published in 1906, but clearly conditions are still far from ok in these slaughterhouses and farms. Will the conditions ever be humane? I don't think they will. Over the last weekend, I made the final decision to no longer eat red meat. I told myself that starting on Monday, February 17th no more pork or beef would pass through my lips. After completing my reading of the passage from this book - I'm happier than ever with my decision and I'm dedicated to sticking to it.

Monday, February 17, 2014

My Own "Modest Proposal"

America, we are fatter than ever. Obesity rates continue to climb.  We are a country where people take no shame in stuffing themselves like pigs right down the street from people that are starving and digging through trash cans to find a meal. And the serious problem is not that we are unaware of these conditions – but that we know and don’t care about them! We often turn a blind eye to the food inequality in our nation and find a way to focus on other “more important” matters.

So here, I propose an idea. Surely, I’m aware that not everyone will be in favor of this proposal. But, I know it would be effective, and if you have a better alternative, please share.  I’m all ears.

I’m happy to introduce the Facility for America’s Trimalchios, also known as FAT. FAT is a correctional facility to withhold all of the gluttonous, disgusting beings that inhabit America. Fitness and nutrition experts and psychologists make up the staff at the facility and are responsible for whipping these pigs into shape and teaching them ways to live a healthy life style.

Every fast food restaurant, grocery store, and major business will be required to keep tabs on the amount of food each person is buying and eating. Every time a food transaction takes place, details of unhealthy food choices and amounts are recorded and stored in a nationwide data base. When a person exceeds their limit of unhealthy food, FAT is informed and a warrant is sent out for that person’s arrest.

The suspect is apprehended and examined for guilt. If the person exceeds an appropriate body weight without reasonable medical exemptions, they are put under arrest and sent to the correctional facility. Here's an ideal image of body weight, but a more lenient measure will be used.  Their sentence is self-determined by their desire to lose weight and be healthy. They are given an amount of weight to lose and they must lose that weight (in a healthy, natural way) before they can be released.  Before being released, they must also pass tests to prove that they have retained the information taught to them. All released persons will be required to wear a tether that further tracks their food intake and body measurements for a year. If they return to their old eating habits during this period of probation, they will be sent back immediately.

Their stay at FAT will include reading many books about health and wellness, exercise, proper nutrition and the food industry – specifically about the dangers of processed foods. The only TV they are allowed to watch is documentaries focused on healthy living or exercise videos. Other than ready to eat fruit and vegetables, the only food they can eat is what that they have prepared for themselves. Beef, chicken, pork, etc. are options, as long as they’re willing to make the kill and prepare the meat. Other processed foods are available as well, but are put at ridiculously high prices of required exercise or hard labor in exchange. The cells are small and uncomfortable, similar to a typical jail cell

Once again, their sentences are self-determined. They will stay there for as long as it takes them to make change.

Keep in mind, I do not write this proposal thinking that I am exempt. If the qualifications for arrest were based on weight alone, I might be punishable. I write this with hopes of making change in our American way of eating.

FAT will change the way Americans think about what they are putting in their mouths. They’ll think twice about stopping at McDonald’s instead of the Farmer’s Market. It could send them to FAT.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Migrant Workers

As I read the two passages, "Cajas de Carton" and "And the Earth Did Not Devour Him," I thought a lot about the book I read at the beginning of the semester, "The American Way of Eating."
I was reminded of the horrible living and working conditions these people were exposed to. Long hours, low wages, fear of being caught or in trouble, health threatening temperatures, desperation, just trying to get by. A major difference between the book and these two passages is that the passages focused around child laborers. "The American Way of Eating" did not talk much about child laborers, so this thought struck new emotions for me.
I'm a lead teacher in a toddler room at a daycare. I work three days a week for at least 11 hours a day, with only one 30 minute lunch break. My days are long and tiring. I often complain about how much I dislike it. THEN, I read things like "Cajas de Carton" and "And the Earth Did Not Devour Him" and I'm tempted to slap myself in the face. What I do is nothing compared to what these CHILDREN are doing all-day-each-and-every-day. They have to hide from school buses because they can't be caught working the fields instead of attending school. When they're finally able to go to school, they're behind, and eventually have to drop out again soon to get back to work.
What do I have to complain about? I'm going to school full time and working nearly full time - by choice. I have the freedom to decide my schedule and working conditions. I'm protected by my rights as a citizen. I don't have it that bad at all.
There are children everywhere that are desperate to help make a living for their entire families. The boys from these two stories are doing what they can to help the people they love. They are ripped away from the people and places they love constantly, dealing with move after move and death after death. I cannot imagine living that way.
The next time I start complaining about work or school, I hope I'm reminded of cardboard boxes.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

"The Family"

The life testimony of Rigoberta Menchu, and her people in Guatemala is truly eye opening. She is quite an amazing woman who has lived through a life which most would not be able to endure. I know that I would not be able to handle it in the way she has.

As I read through her story, I found myself in constant awe. How do people live like this? How can people in charge of these fincas allow their workers to be treated so poorly? How did Rigoberta make it out alive?
My heart was broken for her family that had to give away their oldest son because they could not afford to feed him. I had to take that in for a long while. Parents had to give away their child because they could not provide for him. Can you imagine that happening to you? I surely couldn't. I was extremely upset when her youngest brother died and Rigoberta and her mother had no way to tell their father or other siblings of his death because they were working in other fincas and they had no way to reach them. They had to find out this news upon their arrival home. What a horribly sad situation to come home to.
The death an anguish in the story was overwhelming. People were dying of malnutrition, poisoning, and disease left and right. Living and working conditions were so poor and pay was not anywhere near adequate. Before Rigoberta could get paid for her work, all she did was contributed to her mother's work load - with no pay increase.
I think about how I may have reacted in this situation. With my mindset right now, I would have revolted or fought for better wages or working conditions. I would have refused to work. I would have stood up for my friends and family members that were dying. Then, I realize, THESE WERE NOT REASONABLE OPTIONS. Guatemalans are living like this because they have no other choice. They are oppressed and denied real rights. The people in charge are not fair minded individuals. People are dying because they cannot do anything to defend themselves. This breaks my heart. Why can we live in a country where some people are spending money on golden toilet seats and caviar while people are dying and starving in Guatemala to pick the coffee that we gulp down in the morning, afternoon, and night?
This makes me feel ashamed and guilty for ever complaining about my life. I truly don't have it that bad. It makes me ashamed and guilty to live in America where we take our rights for granted constantly. I'm glad I was able to read this testimony to open my eyes to the reality of the world around me. I'm sad this hasn't happened before now. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

"A Modest Proposal" My Inital Reaction (prior to reading the historical context)

As I read "The Modest Proposal" I continued to ask myself, "Is this real? Does this man seriously believe this is a reasonable and acceptable idea? What in the hell is he thinking!?"

How could any individual think that the answer to poverty and overpopulation is to eat the babies? The phrase "infant flesh" made me cringe each time I read it. This proposal was very difficult to read because I felt horribly disgusted, angry, confused, revolted, upset, and shocked the entire time.

I wasn't sure if his proposal was serious at first, but by the end, I was convinced that Jonathan Swift was quite serious and had many reasons and "statistics" to back up his twisted idea.

He thought that if beggars were willing to "plump up" their one year old babies and sell them on the market, rich Irish men would be willing to buy them to eat. Dr. Swift suggested that this would solve many problems in the Kingdom of Ireland and bring many pleasures to all classes of people. The selling of infants for food could resolve debt problems for the poor, steady the population, and provide at least two delicious and nutritious meals for the rich per baby. YUCK! NO! THIS IS A RIDICULOUS IDEA!

And isn't it interesting that this man doesn't have to worry about his own children being sold for food because, "the youngest being nine years old, and my wife past child-bearing" prevents him from being involved. How can someone suggest such a thing if they themselves would have no idea what it would be like to be in that position.

I've heard of women on drugs or women in foreign countries selling their children for money, but these women are looked at as horrible people. In Dr. Jonathan Swift's ideal world, these women would be applauded. How disgusting.

And what's even more disgusting is the thought of actually eating a baby! What type of person would be willing to do that? Cannibalism is disgusting in my eyes and I'll never be able to understand it, but it takes it to an even worse level when I imagine a small child being the victim. That idea brings tears to my eyes. I hate this proposal and everything about it. It's disgusting and immoral. It proves that humans care more about money and power than anything else, and that is truly sad.

Would you eat your own child? No. Then why would you eat anyone else's? I wonder how Dr. Swift would answer that question.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Loaves and Fishes

I'm very excited for our trip to the Kalamazoo Loaves and Fishes. Before looking at their website, I didn't know much about the company and made a lot of assumptions.

I assumed that all the food they gave away was expired or out-dated. I assumed they only provided foods that were packaged in boxes or cans. I assumed it was not very widely used or deemed very successful. I was wrong.

Kalamazoo Loaves and Fishes is the biggest provider of emergency food in Kalamazoo County. In 2012, over 125,000 people received food from the program. The program is making a huge difference in the lives of hungry people living in Kalamazoo and has been since 1982. Kalamazoo has a high poverty rate, so programs like this are essential.

Loaves and Fishes does provide fresh fruits and vegetables, not just boxed or canned foods like I thought. Most of the foods provided are collected by donation and quality is monitored. Part of the program's strategic commitment is to provide high quality food, and they live up to that standard. If you would like to donate, here is a wish list of the most needed items.

I appreciate the fact that Loaves and Fishes was an organization started because a group of people were looking to do the right thing by helping people in the community. Churches in the area were hearing many concerns with the increase in hungry people in Kalamazoo, so a few people collaborated to make a change. If everyone were like these people, the world would be a much better place.

The website has an interesting interactive 'game' to play to find out more about what it's like to live in poverty. This game also helps you see how programs like Loaves and Fishes can make a major difference in the lives of many people. Play here.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Satyricon - The Dinner of Trimalchio

Yuck! This story disgusted me. If anyone could be considered a glutton, I'm sure Trimalchio would be most guilty of the sin.

It was astonishing how much food and wine was served all in one evening. It seemed as though the dinner was never ending. Dish after dish, course after course, more and more wine - it was appalling.

The foods mentioned may have been considered delectable back in ancient Roman times, but to me, they sounded disgusting. "I broke open the shell with my hand and discovered a fine fat fig-pecker, imbedded in a yolk seasoned with pepper." Umm...what is that and why would you eat it?

The thought of the pig bowels, organs and intestines spilling out onto the table after the hog being cut open was nearly enough to make me gag. And I felt horrible for the servants that were punished for such petty matters. The phrase "box on the ear" was mentioned many times in the story and I was unfamiliar with it, so I had to look it up. Trimalchio is the precise image of  a pompous, sickening, horrible rich man.

And I'm sure that extravagant dinners like the one told in this story were not few and far between. This disgusting display of wealth and gluttony was probably a daily occurrence.

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  I was confused by the situation with his  wife (?) Fortunata. It seemed that she came from lower living standards but Trimalchio decided to make her his and adorned her with richness. He spoke of her poorly, saying he could've married anyone but her, after she insulted him for too passionately kissing one of his servant boys. Apparently that is something he did quite often since he had a particular liking for "good looking boys".

I was also very confused by trying to keep track of all the characters and their names. I still don't understand who was narrating the story or why they were at Trimalchio's house.

What was easy to understand from this story is that some people in ancient Rome were FAR too rich for their own good. Trimalchio is a perfect example of this. I've never read of a man so obsessed with himself and his wealth. I don't know how the wealthy people of the modern world act in their own homes, but I surely hope it isn't comparable to Trimalchio's choices. It'd be these people that we'd have to worry about.