I was reminded of the horrible living and working conditions
these people were exposed to. Long hours, low wages, fear of being caught or in
trouble, health threatening temperatures, desperation, just trying to get by. A
major difference between the book and these two passages is that the passages focused around child laborers. "The American Way
of Eating" did not talk much about child laborers, so this thought struck
new emotions for me.
I'm a lead teacher in a toddler room at a daycare. I work
three days a week for at least 11 hours a day, with only one 30 minute lunch
break. My days are long and tiring. I often complain about how much I dislike
it. THEN, I read things like "Cajas de Carton" and "And the Earth
Did Not Devour Him" and I'm tempted to slap myself in the face. What I do
is nothing compared to what these CHILDREN are doing
all-day-each-and-every-day. They have to hide from school buses because they
can't be caught working the fields instead of attending school. When they're
finally able to go to school, they're behind, and eventually have to drop out
again soon to get back to work.
What do I have to complain about? I'm going to school full
time and working nearly full time - by choice. I have the freedom to decide my
schedule and working conditions. I'm protected by my rights as a citizen. I
don't have it that bad at all.
There are children everywhere that are desperate to help
make a living for their entire families. The boys from these two stories are
doing what they can to help the people they love. They are ripped away from the
people and places they love constantly, dealing with move after move and death
after death. I cannot imagine living that way.
The next time I start complaining about work or school, I
hope I'm reminded of cardboard boxes.
Blogger is going crazy - it would not let me change the formatting of my blog and anytime I tried to hover over text to make changes or add in a link, everything started moving around and it was impossible to select anything. Anyone else having these problems? I hope to be able to add my links in when it stops messing up :(