The life testimony of Rigoberta Menchu, and her people in Guatemala is truly eye opening. She is quite an amazing woman who has lived through a life which most would not be able to endure. I know that I would not be able to handle it in the way she has. 

As I read through her story, I found myself in constant awe. How do people live like this? How can people in charge of these fincas allow their workers to be treated so poorly? How did Rigoberta make it out alive?
My heart was broken for her family that had to give away their oldest son because they could not afford to feed him. I had to take that in for a long while. Parents had to give away their child because they could not provide for him. Can you imagine that happening to you? I surely couldn't. I was extremely upset when her youngest brother died and Rigoberta and her mother had no way to tell their father or other siblings of his death because they were working in other fincas and they had no way to reach them. They had to find out this news upon their arrival home. What a horribly sad situation to come home to.
The death an anguish in the story was overwhelming. People were dying of malnutrition, poisoning, and disease left and right. Living and working conditions were so poor and pay was not anywhere near adequate. Before Rigoberta could get paid for her work, all she did was contributed to her mother's work load - with no pay increase.
I think about how I may have reacted in this situation. With my mindset right now, I would have revolted or fought for better wages or working conditions. I would have refused to work. I would have stood up for my friends and family members that were dying. Then, I realize, THESE WERE NOT REASONABLE OPTIONS. Guatemalans are living like this because they have no other choice. They are oppressed and denied real rights. The people in charge are not fair minded individuals. People are dying because they cannot do anything to defend themselves. This breaks my heart. Why can we live in a country where some people are spending money on golden toilet seats and caviar while people are dying and starving in Guatemala to pick the coffee that we gulp down in the morning, afternoon, and night?
This makes me feel ashamed and guilty for ever complaining about my life. I truly don't have it that bad. It makes me ashamed and guilty to live in America where we take our rights for granted constantly. I'm glad I was able to read this testimony to open my eyes to the reality of the world around me. I'm sad this hasn't happened before now.
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